Open-Source Contributions


Expandable Defensive Cyber Operations Platform

EDCOP was built in our R&D facility from the ground up by our engineers for community contributions and growth and was developed with expandability in mind. It is built on top of Docker, the industry leader in container architecture, and driven by Kubernetes, the industry leader in container orchestration.
Kubernetes was designed to deliver container web app services at a global scale. Our engineers leverage it in ways never seen before to do high-performance packet processing.

Working on some of the largest network security architectures, our team experienced some of the deficiencies prevalent around many of the largest network security architectures in the world. As a result, EDCOP was created to bridge the security and platform integrations gap without sacrificing architecture integrity. We hope that as the EDCOP user community and contributions grow for everyone to benefit!


Certifiable Linux Integration Platform

CLIP is an open-source tool that provides both an integration environment and the security underpinnings on which developers can build cross domain solutions and more.

  • A base platform with solid security features: A trimmed-down open source SELinux policy and automatically configuring a system to achieve compliance with high-security requirements allowing developers to entirely focus on securing the extra bits and pieces they add on top.
  • Streamlined integration: Various system components can be rolled into a complete solution by combining Red Hat’s industry-standard software and solution-specific sources.
Learn More about other Open Source Contributions we participate in:

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